Key Themes:

Manifestation, Self Development, Neuroscience, Positive Thinking


The Source by Dr Tara Swart is an enlightening book. In it, for the first time, Swart a neuroscientist and senior lecturer at MIT reveals the surprising science that supports The Law of Attraction. This book provides an effective tool for self-discovery and offers a guide to discovering your authentic self and accessing your best life.

Content Overview:

If you like self-help books like The Secret and believe the law of attraction. – this book is for you.

Through history, millions of people have used the systems of manifestation and visualisation to shape their lives and find health, success, love, friendship, wealth, and more. Swart investigates whether the ‘Law of Attraction’ actually works and, if this life-changing philosophy can work for a non-believer.

Swart uses this book to demonstrate how we can harness the tools of manifestation and visualisation to free us from our self-limiting behaviours so that we can move towards our truest, most authentic selves. Swart combines neuroscience and behavioural science to outline how and why these systems actually work. She covers areas including neuroplasticity, magnetism, emotional and logical thinking, alongside more well-known practical topics such as hydration, self-care, and relaxation.

She takes us through her own journey from skeptic to believer, showcasing the scientific breakthroughs and personal revelations that changed her life. She also takes us through the process of how she moved her life from being unhappy in both work and life to a successful entrepreneur living with confidence, purpose, and joy. Swart outlines that most of the things we want—health, happiness, wealth, love—are governed by our ability to think, feel, and act—in other words, by our brain. Dr. Swart combines the insights and inspiration of The Secret with the practical lessons of The Master Key System. The Source is a practical  toolkit for unlocking the power of our minds—and maximising our potential.

Rating: 8.5/10

This book is written for people who want to improve their lives based on rigorous science and alternative thinking. It showcases the advances in neuroscience research to explain things that we intuitively feel and how we can harness these to alter the way our brains work.

Readability: 8/10

Swart’s book is a fascinating jmix between science and mysticism. It’s a good read, that breaks down and explains traditional concepts. It does require concentration, however, as though well-written it explores a number of new concepts that were challenging to grasp.

Does what it says on the tin: 8.5/10

Yes, a fascinating study that shows how the power of ‘The Source’ can help you to shape what you want in life. A more science-based version of The Secret.

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