Surrounded by Idiots – Thomas Erikson
Key Themes: Teamwork, Psychology, Human Behaviour, Communications Summary: Have you ever ended an argument because you were misunderstood or have you been confused by a colleague’s inability to see your point of view? If so,...
Never be stuck for social media post ideas again!
As marketing mentors, we keep hearing about the same challenges from our mentees. They know that they need to build their brand. They also understand that to do it cost-effectively for the greatest reach, they need to use social...
10 Tips for Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan for 2021
For many of us, 2020 has been a year to forget. We’ve seen our businesses interrupted, our channels to market change and our plans alter in line with the circumstances we’ve faced. However, 2021 is a new year and we have to plan...
7 Marketing Trends for 2021
For most of us – to work out what’s going to happen in 2021 is going to include a great big dollop of hope, wishful thinking and an effective crystal ball. In a year (2020), that has been anything but predictable, it’s a given...
Free Speed Reading e-book
Can you imagine, how much your life would change if you had the ability to quickly read and understand books, articles and other written collateral? Just think about how much more knowledge and information you could...
10 Benefits Small Businesses Have Over Their Bigger Rivals (And How To Make the Most of Them)
Too often as small business owners, we can often feel that we are playing on an uneven ball-park with our bigger rivals. Our larger competitors have access to more resources (people and finances) and can simple out supply and...
8 tips for getting started on and / or improving your content marketing
So, what is content marketing? The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as: ‘…a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a...
When Marketing Goes Wrong (part 2)
Following on from part 1 of ‘When Marketing Goes Wrong’ – we wanted to share more examples of brand fails. These are not to demoralise you or put you off taking a foray into marketing your business and brand but to learn from...
When Marketing Goes Wrong
Marketing is an essential part of your business and a key builder of your brand and audience. However, sometimes it goes wrong. Your message might be misconstrued, you might not generate the brand awareness or sales you intended...
The 9 Traits of an Effective Leader
What do you think of when I say the word ‘leader’? What impression do you have in your mind? You may have many misconceptions about what leadership is about, after all it’s more than a person’s rank or seniority. It’s about the...
How to Use the 4 Ps of Marketing in an Online World
The term “marketing mix” has been around for years. The idea of “putting the right product, in the right place, at the right price, at the right time” has been a staple of marketing theory for decades. But do these concepts...
Have you ripped up your marketing strategy?
Covid-19 might have seriously rocked marketing spend, but the pandemic could be seen as a great equaliser from a marketing point of view. Very few (if any) marketers have ever worked under lockdown and in the situation, the...